Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

Home > Catalogue > People > Alice Mary Chambers (related works) > YMSM 203 > Henry John Murcott

Henry John Murcott

Nationality: English
Date of birth: 1835
Place of birth: Dukes Court, Chancery Lane, London
Date of death: 1919
Category: picture framer


He was the son of the son of Charles Murcott, warehouseman, and his wife Ann. Henry J. Murcott had established his business by 1864-1912, followed by Harry Charles Murcott 1913-1924, Harry C. Murcott & Sons 1924-1941, Harry Charles Murcott 1942-1947. They were originally picture dealers, and then frame makers and picture restorers.


Henry John Murcott became a picture framer, carver and gilder, and worked for Whistler in London around 1878. Jacob Simon gives a full account of the firm's work. Murcott advertised in 1875 offering ‘Plain and Ornamental Gold Frames of every design. Ebonized Antique, Carved Oak, Oxford and Fancy Wood Frames’ (The Artists’ Directory, 1875, p. 8).

He worked for D.G. Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones, and Whistler, among others. He may have framed Nocturne in Blue and Silver y151, Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The Gold Girl - Connie Gilchrist y190 and Arrangement in Brown and Black: Portrait of Miss Rosa Corder y203 for the Grosvenor Gallery exhibition, at Whistler's request ([31 March 1879], GUW #04233).


Simon, Jacob, 'British picture framemakers, 1600-1950 - M', National Portrait Gallery website.