Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Oviform Vase and Cover


Oviform Vase and Cover, Glasgow Museums
Oviform Vase and Cover, Glasgow Museums

The Thompson catalogue described this as:

'Oviform Vase and Cover, with subjects on two upright panels; on one side a gracefully drawn flower painted in blue on a white ground; on the other side a land-scape with two figures walking on a projecting ledge of rock; in the distance overhanging rocks. Round the neck a running leaf pattern; the cover similarly ornamented. Height, 10 1/4 inches.' 1

The side illustrated shows the flower.


1: Thompson 1878 [more], p. 4 (cat. no. 15) repr. pl. 4.

Last updated: 17th March 2021 by Margaret