Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Large Bowl and Cover


Large Bowl and Cover, Glasgow Museums
Large Bowl and Cover, Glasgow Museums

The Thompson catalogue described this subject as:

'No. 29. A Large Shaped Bowl and Cover, with silver mounts. On the body two panels, one representing a male figure presenting petition to a person of rank who holds a flower, behind him a chair and a table with embroidered cover, in front of which stands an attendant with a large raised fan or banner, and another holding a scroll; on either side warriors. On the other panel a man seated on a stool: behind him an attendant conversing with an official who is seated at a table on which are writing materials; in front a man presenting offering. The panels divided by symbolical ornaments. Round the neck a band of fret ornament surmounted by dots; on the cover boys playing amongst the rocks; round the edge a fret ornament, dots below. Painted in brilliant blue. Mark, double ring. Height, 10 ½ inches.' 1

Whistler illustrated the second of these scenes.


1: Thompson 1878 [more], pp. 7-8 (cat. no. 29) repr. pl. 4.

Last updated: 16th March 2021 by Margaret