Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Vase with slightly bulging body and expanding neck


Vase with slightly bulging body and expanding neck, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute
Vase with slightly bulging body and expanding neck, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute

A sketch of a vase, with a vertical central line drawn to aid in making it symmetrical.

The Thompson catalogue described the subject as one of two similar vases:

'Pair of Vases, with slightly bulging bodies and expanding necks. On one a band of six musicians, with female dancing on a carpet, in the presence of lady of rank seated at a table, with two attendants at her side: round the neck, bamboo leaves and ornamental band: round the foot a running leaf pattern. On the other vase, a mandarin or person of rank, seated at a table in a pavilion surrounded by warriors and attendants, is addressing a sage who, standing in front of a table, is apparently inscribing upon a scroll the words addressed to him: without, a warrior carrying a standard attended by another bearing an offering: round the neck, bamboo leaves and ornamental bands: round the foot running leaf pattern. Mark, Ta Ming Ching-hwa nien chi. A.D. 1465-1468. Height, 10 inches.' 1

This is the second vase described above, showing, at upper left, the mandarin sitting at a table, but details are only roughly indicated.


1: Thompson 1878 [more], pp. 15-16 (cat. no. 74) repr. pl. 12.

Last updated: 18th March 2021 by Margaret