Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Cylindrical Vase with thick neck


Cylindrical Vase with thick neck, Freer Gallery of Art
Cylindrical Vase with thick neck, Freer Gallery of Art

The Thompson catalogue described the subject as follows:

'Cylindrical Vase, with thick neck. Round the body boldly drawn branches of hawthorn blossom, with here and there a detached blossom on a wavy blue ground; round the neck a slightly raised band, and three bands of fret; round the lip a herring-bone pattern. Height, 18 inches.' 1


1: Thompson 1878 [more], p. 26 (cat. no. 130) repr. pl. 13.

Last updated: 18th March 2021 by Margaret