Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Square Canister with long neck


Square Canister with long neck, Freer Gallery of Art
Square Canister with long neck, Freer Gallery of Art

A square canister, lit from the left, so that the side vsible at right is in shadow. The Thompson catalogue described the subject as one of three similar canisters:

'Three Square Canisters, with long necks. On each side two female figures (Lange Lysen) holding plants; between the figures a growing shrub; below, a rock; above, a terrace with trees; round the neck a band of ornament; cover similarly ornamented. Mark, Jade in a funk panel. Height, 13 inches.' 1


1: Thompson 1878 [more], p. 37 (cat. no. 195) repr. pl. 14.

Last updated: 17th March 2021 by Margaret