Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Plate, Bowl with a cover surmounted by a cup-shaped knob, Globular-shaped Bottle with long neck and Eight-sided Bowl


Plate, Bowl with a cover surmounted by a cup-shaped knob, Globular-shaped Bottle with long neck and Eight-sided Bowl, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute,
Plate, Bowl with a cover surmounted by a cup-shaped knob, Globular-shaped Bottle with long neck and Eight-sided Bowl, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute,

A sketch of the main outlines of an arrangement of porcelain. A plate stands upright behind, at left, a bowl with a cover, and at right, a bowl; in front of all these, there is a bottle. The Thompson catalogue described the subjects as follows:

'No. 203. Three Globular-shaped Bottles, with long necks. A design of boldly drawn flowers rising from the base and continued to the top of the neck. Height, 5 ½ inches.'

'No. 239. Plate. In the centre part of a pavilion on a terrace; female figure offering a plant to two other ladies, behind a fruit tree in blossom; round the edge detached hawthorn blossom and boldly drawn waves on a ground of dark blue covered with circular web-like lines; on the outer edge a rocky landscape. Mark, double ring and Ta Ming Ching-hwa nien chi. A.D. 1465-1488. Diameter, 10 ½ inches.'

'No. 246. Shaped Bowl with Cover, surmounted by a cup-shaped knob. On the body four nude figures of boys drawn in outline on a ground of wavy blue, richly ornamented with conventional flowers; above a band of diaper ornament. The cover similarly ornamented, but without the boys. Height, 5 inches.'

'No. 306. Eight-sided Bowl with white perforated panels on a blue ground; round the foot a band of arabesque; round the outer edge a broad band of ornament on a blue ground. Diameter, 5 ½ inches; height, 2 ¾ inches.' 1


1: Thompson 1878 [more], pp. 39, 46, 48 (cat. nos. 239, 246, 203, 306) repr. pl. 18.

Last updated: 12th April 2021 by Margaret