Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Bottle of compressed globular form


Bottle of compressed globular form, Glasgow Museums
Bottle of compressed globular form, Glasgow Museums

The Thompson catalogue described the subject, one of a pair of bottles, as follows:

'No. 204. Two Bottles, of compressed globular form. Long thick necks of very white porcelain with an ornamental band. The rest of the bottle with conventional design of large aster flowers and leaves united by elegantly curved branches. Mark, double ring, and Ta Ming Seuen-tih nien chi. a. d. 1426-1436. Height, 14 ¼ inches.' 1


1: Thompson 1878 [more], p. 39 (cat. no. 204) repr. pl. 19.

Last updated: 18th March 2021 by Margaret