Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Globular Bottle with long thin neck, Cylindrical-shaped Pot with flat cover surmounted by a knob, and Shallow Bowl


Globular Bottle with long thin neck, Cylindrical-shaped Pot with flat cover surmounted by a knob, and Shallow Bowl, Whereabouts unknown
Globular Bottle with long thin neck, Cylindrical-shaped Pot with flat cover surmounted by a knob, and Shallow Bowl, Whereabouts unknown

The Thompson catalogue described the subjects, including one of a pair of bottles, as follows:

'No. 244. Cylindrical-shaped Pot, with flat cover surmounted by a knob. The body covered with a conventional leaf forming a regular pattern; at intervals between the leaves a circular ornament covered with an arabesque design. Cover similarly ornamented. Mark, leaf and fillet. Height, 7 inches.'
'No. 245. Shallow Bowl. On the inside is represented a plate, in the centre of which is a salmon springing from the sea; round the border stemless hawthorn on wavy blue ground; on the reverse a rocky landscape with boys variously occupied. Diameter, 10 inches.'
'No. 255. Pair of Globular Bottles, with long thin necks. On the body four shield-shaped medallions with an arabesque design on a transparent wavy blue ground, united by a band similarly ornamented; above and below alternate large and small involuted leaves similarly ornamented; on the neck six similar leaves on a quatrefoil ground in outline between two bands of ornament. Mark, leaf. Height, 7 ½ inches.' 1


1: Thompson 1878 [more], pp. 50, 47-48, (cat. nos. 255, 244 and 245) repr. pl. 24.

Last updated: 12th April 2021 by Margaret