Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Village shop, Chelsea


  • 1903: with Ernest Brown & Phillips Ltd, London art dealers.
  • Date unknown: acquired by John Prince Elton (1865-1948), Waterbury, Connecticut;
  • 1948-1984: passed by family descent to J. P. Elton's grand-daughter;
  • 1984: bought by Knoedler's, New York dealers, and sold to a private collector, Los Angeles, on 1 December (#KMC1357);
  • 1987: bought by Hope Davis, New York art dealer;
  • 1988: bought by Paul Mellon (1907-1999) and Mrs Rachel Lambert Mellon (1910-2014);
  • 1991: given to the National Gallery of Art.

For further details see MacDonald 1995 (cat. rais.) [more] (cat. no. 950).


Not, as far as is known, exhibited in Whistler's lifetime.

Last updated: 26th February 2021 by Margaret