Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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r.: A woman; v.: Indecipherable, by an unknown hand

r.: A woman; v.: Indecipherable, by an unknown hand, date from about 1887. The drawings on the verso may be by Whistler's young son, Charles James Whistler Hanson (1870-1935), who acquired this drawing (see Ship [M.1146]).

r: A woman, The Hunterian
r: A woman, The Hunterian
v: Anon., Indecipherable , The Hunterian
v: Anon., Indecipherable , The Hunterian

It is fully catalogued in MacDonald 1995 (cat. rais.) [more] (cat. no. 1149).

Last updated: 8th December 2020 by Margaret