Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Eva and Gladys Carrington seated on a sofa


Eva and Gladys Carrington seated on a sofa, The Hunterian
Eva and Gladys Carrington seated on a sofa, The Hunterian

Fine charcoal lines define the figures, which are coloured with dots and longer strokes of pastel. Their hands were barely delineated, the arms trailing off almost to a point. There are signs of alterations in the draperies. Two shades of pink were scumbled across the background and a shade of off-white was smoothed on the back of the sofa.

Conservation History

The dull grey-brown paper, fibrous, with bits of stalk in it, has a neat vertical grain.

Last updated: 9th December 2020 by Margaret