Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Portrait of William M. Chase


Unknown. Both the portrait of Chase and that of Whistler by Chase were, according to Whistler, unfinished:

'Meanwhile our two pictures By the way the world will have to wait, for yet a little while longer. You see colonel we rather handicapped each other I fancy and neither master is really quite fit for public presentation as he stands on canvas at this moment.

[In] these matters I never deceive myself and I saw at once on my return from abroad that the work is not in its perfect condition and Whistler cannot allow any canvas stamped with the butterfly to leave his studio until he is thoroughly satisfied with it himself. Therefore my dear Colonel I shall keep the picture here and bring it over with me to finish in your studio.' 1

Conservation History





1: Whistler to Chase, [1 September 1885], GUW #13337.

Last updated: 3rd January 2021 by Margaret