Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Portrait of Miss Philip

Portrait of Miss Philip dates from 1903. 1 On 28 May 1903 one of the Pennells – it is not clear whether this was Elizabeth Robins Pennell (1855-1936) or Joseph Pennell (1860-1926) – described seeing a painting in Whistler’s studio, 'a portrait of Miss Philip which he started some months ago, and is now making into the most beautiful portrait of her I have seen – a blue gown with dull yellow beads about her neck.' 2


1: YMSM 1980 [more] (cat. no. 553).

2: Pennell 1921C [more], p. 287.

Last updated: 8th April 2019 by Margaret