Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Village shop, Chelsea

Catalogues Raisonnés

  • MacDonald, Margaret F., James McNeill Whistler. Drawings, Pastels and Watercolours. A Catalogue Raisonné, New Haven and London, 1995 (cat. no. 950) as 'Village shop, Chelsea'.

Journals 1855-1905

  • Scott, William, 'Reminiscences of Whistler. Some Venice Recollections', The Studio, vol. 30, November 1903, pp. 97-108, repr. f.p. 102 as 'A Study (houses)'.

Catalogues 1906-Present

  • Art for the Nation: Gifts in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the National Gallery of Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 1991, pp. 222-23, repr.


  • National Gallery of Art website at

Last updated: 26th February 2021 by Margaret