Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow


The Little Grocery, Chelsea; grey and red


A street in Chelsea, a district on the north side of the Thames, in London.

                    A Chelsea street, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven
A Chelsea street, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven

The Daily News, on 21 May 1884, commented that it 'appears to hint in the foreground at a small black figure without legs moving on an invisible bicycle; motiveless, missionless, a joy to the artist, and also a sweet boon to the literary man.' 1 This suggests it was A Chelsea street [M.0953], or a very similar subject.


1: Anon., 'Mr. Whistler's Gallery', Daily News, London, 21 May 1884, p. 7.

Last updated: 8th February 2021 by Margaret