Grey and Silver: La Petite Souris, The Hunterian
Grey and Silver: La Petite Souris, The Hunterian
Grey and Silver: La Petite Souris, frame detail
Grey and Silver: La Petite Souris, photograph, 1898
Wall of the First International Exhibition at Knightsbridge, 1898, from Pennell
1921, f.p.150
Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress
Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress
Whistler Memorial Exhibition, Boston, 1904, photograph, GUL Whistler PH6/24
Whistler insisted on the reproduction of both Grey and Silver: La Petite Souris and At the Piano
[YMSM 024] in the Studio in 1898, instead of just At the Piano, which had been requested by the editor
Charles Holme (1848-1923). 1