Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow


Connie Gilchrist


                    Connie Gilchrist, Baltimore Museum of Art
Connie Gilchrist, Baltimore Museum of Art

                    Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The Gold Girl – Connie Gilchrist, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The Gold Girl – Connie Gilchrist, Metropolitan Museum of Art

This is a sketch of Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The Gold Girl - Connie Gilchrist [YMSM 190]. The Pennells wrote that 'in friends' houses, he would make little sketches of pictures he was working on, and one evening he left with Mr. Cole [a sketch] ... of the Connie Gilchrist.' 1

Conservation History

Connie Gilchrist [M.0712] appears to be the left half of a sheet of writing paper, and Study of 'Arrangement in Brown and Black: Miss Rosa Corder' [M.0713], the right half.


1: Pennell 1908 [more] , vol. 1, p. 202.

Last updated: 13th February 2021 by Margaret