Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow


A nude female figure

Catalogues Raisonnés

  • MacDonald, Margaret F., James McNeill Whistler. Drawings, Pastels and Watercolours. A Catalogue Raisonné, New Haven and London, 1995 (cat. no. 696) as 'A nude female figure'.

Catalogues 1855-1905


  • Possibly III Summer Exhibition, Grosvenor Gallery, London, 1879 (cat. no. 267) as one of 'Three Studies in Chalk and Pastel'.


  • Sotheby's, London, 12 February 1880 (lot 84) as 'A nude female figure'.

Journals 1855-1905

  • Anon., 'Art Sales', Academy, vol. 17, 21 February 1880, pp. 148-49.

Last updated: 7th March 2021 by Margaret