Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Miss Alexander


  • By 1903: possibly acquired from the artist by William Cleverly Alexander (1840-1916) .
  • 1914: bought from V. G. Fischer, New York, by Knoedler's, New York art dealers, 13 March 1914 and exhibited in that year;
  • 1914: sold in April to Seth Edward Thomas, Jr (1876-1932) ;
  • 1932: passed by family descent to a private collection;
  • 1984: exhibited in and consigned to Knoedler's;
  • 1985-1986: consigned to Hirschl and Adler, New York dealers;
  • 1987: sold to Davis and Langdale, New York dealers;
  • By 1995: sold through Hirschl and Adler to a private collection.

The early history of this drawing is not certain. Alexander kept most drawings of his children. Furthermore, of those on the market, it is difficult to distinguish what was exhibited and sold in different exhibitions.


  • 1903: possibly Watercolours, Pastels, Drawings in Black and White, Sculptures and Bronzes By British and Foreign Artists Including A Selection of Works by H. B. Brabazon, and A Group of Works by the late James McNeill Whistler, W. Marchant & Co., Goupil Gallery, London, 1903 (cat. no. 43) as 'Little Miss Alexander.'
  • 1903: possibly Collection of Pictures, Drawings, Prints and China, and Decorative Furniture, Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1903 (cat. no. 33).

It is not at all certain which of the portraits of the Alexander girls was exhibited in which exhibition.

Last updated: 11th February 2021 by Margaret