Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Caricature of F. R. Leyland


  • ca 1879: acquired by Charles Augustus Howell (1840?-1890) , London, placed in an album, and labelled 'Frederick Richards Leyland. Born 30. Sep. 1831. owner of the Peacock Room.';
  • After 1884: the album was acquired by Cornelius Cox (1835-1889) and returned to Whistler, who removed several letters and drawings including this;
  • 1903: in Whistler's studio at his death and bequeathed to his sister-in-law and executrix, Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958) ;
  • 1958: bequeathed by Miss Philip to the University of Glasgow.

Cornelius Cox was the father of Amy Ellen Cox, Mrs T. R. Way (1865-1949), wife of Thomas Robert Way (1861-1913). Way's father, Thomas Way (1837-1915), instructed Whistler in the art of lithography in the late 1870s and printed his lithographs.It was on the Ways' advice that the album was shown to Whistler.


It was not exhibited in Whistler's lifetime.

Last updated: 10th March 2021 by Margaret