Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Paintings for exhibition


  • 1888: sent to Octave Maus (1856-1919).
  • Date unknown: passed to the Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts de Belgique.


  • 1888: Ve Exposition des XX, Société des XX, Brussels, 1888, facsimile of drawing reproduced in catalogue.

                    Paintings for exhibition, Musées Royaux Des Beaux Arts De Belgique
Paintings for exhibition, Musées Royaux Des Beaux Arts De Belgique

                    Arrangement in Black and Brown: The Fur Jacket, Worcester Art Museum
Arrangement in Black and Brown: The Fur Jacket, Worcester Art Museum

                    Nocturne: Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel, Tate Britain
Nocturne: Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel, Tate Britain

In a letter to Octave Maus, Whistler indicated his preferred arrangement for the hanging of eight works, and enclosed a sketch, which he had not intended to be made public. 1 However, the drawing was reproduced in the catalogue. It shows Arrangement in Black and Brown: The Fur Jacket [YMSM 181] as the centrepiece, with Nocturne: Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel [YMSM 169] underneath it. In all, Whistler sent two oils, four etchings and two pastels.


1: GUW #09244.

Last updated: 18th February 2021 by Margaret