Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

Home  > Catalogue > People > Magda Stuart Sindici (Mrs W. Heinemann) (related works) > Catalogue entry

Designs for monograms for William and Magda Heinemann


                    Monogram for William Heinemann, Glasgow University Library
Monogram for William Heinemann, Glasgow University Library

This is the monogram 'WM' for William Heinemann (1863-1920) as embossed on his letters from 4 Whitehall Court, S.W., for instance in a letter from Whistler to R. Birnie Philip on 14 January 1897, and from Heinemann to Whistler on 29 June 1898. 1

                    Monogram for Magda Heinemann, Glasgow University Library
Monogram for Magda Heinemann, Glasgow University Library

The monogram for Magda Heinemann consisted of 'MH' in an oval.


1: [14 January 1897], GUW #04697; 29 [June] 1898, GUW #02090.

Last updated: 6th March 2021 by Margaret