Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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The Artist's Studio

                The Artist's Studio, Dublin City Gallery, The Hugh Lane
The Artist's Studio, Dublin City Gallery, The Hugh Lane

                The Artist in his Studio (Whistler in his Studio), Art Institute of Chicago
The Artist in his Studio (Whistler in his Studio), Art Institute of Chicago
D. Velásquez, Las Meninas, detail, photograph, GUL Whistler PH3/8
D. Velásquez, Las Meninas, detail, photograph, GUL Whistler PH3/8

                Dining-room in Whistler's first house in Lindsey Row, photo, Pennell 1921,  f.p. 153
Dining-room in Whistler's first house in Lindsey Row, photo, Pennell 1921, f.p. 153

Last updated: 1st December 2020 by Margaret