Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Symphonie en argent et émeraude

Symphonie en argent et émeraude is inscribed on the stretcher in an unknown hand, 'Whistler 1865'. This is not in Whistler's writing, and neither the date nor authorship are certain. 1

                Symphonie en argent et émeraude, Private Collection
Symphonie en argent et émeraude, Private Collection

The canvas bears on the back the stencilled lettering: ‘HARDY ALAN/ 36 Rue du Cherche-Midi/ PARIS'. The Paris Bottin for 1865-1867 shows that Hardy-Alan ('Couleurs') was then at 1 rue Childebert. He did not move to 36 rue du Cherche-Midi until 1868. It would therefore seem unlikely that this seascape could have been painted in 1865, when Whistler was at Trouville, as suggested by the date on the stretcher.

A note on the stretcher states that Whistler gave the painting to J. M. Lalouette (d. 1871) so if this was true, Lalouette's death gives the last possible date, 1871. However, given the doubt of the painting's authorship, this is not particularly relevant.


1: YMSM 1980 [more] (cat. no. 68).

Last updated: 29th November 2019 by Margaret