Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Nocturne: Battersea


                    Nocturne: Battersea, Private Collection
Nocturne: Battersea, Private Collection

It was painted thinly on coarse canvas.

Conservation History

                    Nocturne: Battersea, photograph, 1980
Nocturne: Battersea, photograph, 1980

Unknown. Old photographs suggest it was perhaps rather uneven, and possibly rubbed down in areas.


Whistler Memorial Exhibition, Boston 1904, photograph, GUL Whistler PH6/6
Whistler Memorial Exhibition, Boston 1904, photograph, GUL Whistler PH6/6

By 1904, as shown in the Boston exhibition, it was in a Grau-type frame.

Last updated: 23rd October 2020 by Margaret