Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Arrangement in Black, No. 2: Portrait of Mrs Louis Huth

Arrangement in Black, No. 2: Portrait of Mrs Louis Huth dates from 1872/1873.

According to the Pennells, Mrs Huth and Mrs Leyland (see Symphony in Flesh Colour and Pink: Portrait of Mrs Frances Leyland [YMSM 106]) were posing about the same time, and, although Mrs Huth was not strong, 'Almost daily during one summer he [Whistler] kept her standing for three hours without rest ... however ... at times a model stood for her gown.' 1 The portrait was bought by Louis Huth (1821-1905) early in 1873, but Whistler was still working on it in March. 2

                Arrangement in Black, No. 2: Portrait of Mrs Louis Huth, Private collection
Arrangement in Black, No. 2: Portrait of Mrs Louis Huth, Private collection

It was first exhibited in Mr Whistler's Exhibition, Flemish Gallery, 48 Pall Mall, London, 1874 (cat. no. 3).


1: Pennell 1908 [more] , vol. 1, p. 279.

2: Whistler to Louis Huth, 31 January 1873, GUW #02242, and Huth to Whistler, 1 February 1873, GUW #02243. Whistler to Alan S. Cole, March 1873, GUW #09022.

Last updated: 27th April 2021 by Margaret