Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Nocturne: Blue and Silver – Battersea Reach


Suggested titles include:

  • Possibly ' "Nocturne". Battersea Reach' (1892, Goupil). 1
  • Possibly 'Nocturne Blue & Silver' (1894, Whistler). 2
  • Possibly 'Battersea Reach' (1894, Pearce). 3
  • 'Nocturne: Blue & Silver - Battersea Reach' (1895, Whistler). 4
  • 'Symphony in Blue' (1898, Copley Society, Boston). 5
  • 'Nocturne: Blue and Silver – Battersea Reach' (1980, YMSM). 6

The preferred title is 'Nocturne: Blue and Silver – Battersea Reach'.


                    Nocturne: Blue and Silver – Battersea Reach, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Nocturne: Blue and Silver – Battersea Reach, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

A dark and misty scene, looking across a broad river to distant buildings and a clock tower on the far bank. A small boat with figures in it is seen at lower left. The canvas is in horizontal format.


Battersea Reach on the river Thames, London. The buildings seen across the river appear to be the same as in Nocturne in Blue and Silver [YMSM 151].


1: Nocturnes, Marines & Chevalet Pieces, Goupil Gallery, London, 1892 (cat. no. 25).

2: Whistler to D. C. Thomson, 12 February [1894], GUW #08285, and to A. Reid, 14 February 1894, GUW #13374.

3: Pearce to Whistler, 28 July 1894, GUW #00192.

4: Whistler to Isabella Stewart Gardner, GUW #09120.

5: Loan Exhibition of Pictures by Modern Painters, Copley Society, Boston, 1898 (cat. no. 91).

6: YMSM 1980 [more] (cat. no. 152).

Last updated: 25th November 2020 by Margaret