Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Harmony in Blue and Gold


                    Sketch of 'Harmony in Blue and Gold', Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Sketch of 'Harmony in Blue and Gold', Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute

Whistler made a pen drawing of the oil painting, Sketch of 'Harmony in Blue and Gold' [M.1095], in 1886, which was published in the Pall Mall Gazette.

                    A nude girl with a parasol, The Hunterian
A nude girl with a parasol, The Hunterian

Although the pen drawing is the only certain record of the oil, a watercolour, A nude girl with a parasol [M.1094], with a colour scheme of blue and gold, may be related to it.


Unknown, although it was described by the Art Journal as 'worthy to rank among his greater productions, and presents qualities of handling, and beauties of delicate colour and of subtle tone relation, such as are marvellous.' 1

Conservation History





1: Art Journal July 1886 [more] .

Last updated: 15th November 2020 by Margaret