Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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The Sea Coast

Catalogues Raisonnés

  • Young, Andrew McLaren, Margaret F. MacDonald, Robin Spencer, and Hamish Miles, The Paintings of James McNeill Whistler, New Haven and London, 1980 (cat. no. 274), plate 186, as 'The Sea Coast'.

Authored by Whistler

  • None.

Catalogues 1855-1905

  • None.

Journals 1855-1905

  • None.


  • None.

Books on Whistler

  • MacDonald, Margaret, 'James McNeill Whistler', in Andreeva, Galina, and Margaret F. MacDonald, Whistler and Russia, State Tretyakow Gallery, Moscow, 2006, pp. 16-57, at pp. 46-47, repr. p. 47 (cat. no. 19).

Books, General

  • None.

Catalogues 1906-Present


  • Kroll, A. E., The State Hermitage. English Paintings. Catalogue, Leningrad, 1969, pp. 109-10, repr. p. 110 as 'The Sea Coast'.
  • 'Государственный музей нового западного искусства' (Gosudarstvennyĭ muzeĭ novogo zapadnogo iskusstva) ['Museum of Modern Western Art: Illustrated Catalogue'], Moscow, 1928 (cat. no. 64).
  • Pertsev, P. P., Shchukinskoe sobranie frantsuzskoi zhxvopisi, Moscow, 1921, p. 116 as 'Seroe more' (grey sea).


  • Andreeva, Galina, and Margaret F. MacDonald, Whistler and Russia, State Tretyakow Gallery, Moscow, 2006 pp. 46-47, repr. p. 47 (cat. no. 19).

Journals 1906-Present

  • None.


  • Hermitage Museum website at, as 'Seashore: Grey and Black'.


  • None.


  • None.

Last updated: 9th March 2020 by Margaret