Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Study for Three Decorative Panels Representing 'The Landing of Columbus', 'Queen Isabel la Católica of Spain' and 'Queen Elizabeth of England’


                    Study for Three Decorative Panels … for Boston Public Library, GUL MS Whistler W1329
Study for Three Decorative Panels … for Boston Public Library, GUL MS Whistler W1329

A pencil drawing by Whistler on the verso of a letter of December 1892 shows roughly the same composition as the panel. 1

Although Whistler is said to have considered a design incorporating 'a great Peacock ten feet high' no related drawings are known. 2 A somewhat wild suggestion by Isabella Stewart Gardner (1840-1924) that the Peacock Room should be bought, split up, and incorporated in the room, was met by Sargent and Whistler with dismay. 3


                    Study for Three Decorative Panels Representing 'The Landing of Columbus', 'Queen Isabel la Católica of Spain' and 'Queen Elizabeth of England', Boston Public Library
Study for Three Decorative Panels Representing 'The Landing of Columbus', 'Queen Isabel la Católica of Spain' and 'Queen Elizabeth of England', Boston Public Library

The wood panel has the stamp of Emile Blanchet (1852-1931), 20 rue Saint-Benoît, Paris, on the verso. The panel was not primed, so the vivid colours have sunk into the board. The design was first outlined in black and brown paint, and shows many signs of having been rubbed out and altered, and worked over in pencil.

Conservation History



1: Whistler to W. P. Wylie, 22 December 1892, GUW #07341.

2: Bendix 1995 [more] , p. 200.

3: Sargent to Whistler, 1 November [1895], GUW #05390; Merrill 1998 [more] , p. 316.

Last updated: 4th June 2021 by Margaret