Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Arrangement in Grey and Green: Portrait of J. J. Cowan


  • 1893: commissioned by John James Cowan (1846-1936) , Edinburgh;
  • 1903: in Whistler's studio at his death and bequeathed to his ward and executrix, Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958) ;
  • 1910: given by her to the National Gallery of Scotland, in her own name and that of J. J. Cowan.

On 15 February 1893 Whistler suggested sittings should start mid-May for a half-length or small full-length at 600 guineas, or a head at 400 guineas. 1

On 24 June 1893 Whistler acknowledged receipt of a cheque for 600 guineas for 'Arrangement in Grey and Green'. 2 In 1898, still not having received the portrait, Cowan suggested that he could buy another picture from Whistler, and 'the price of one or other might stand over till I get my own picture, or rather your portrait of me.' 3 In 1900 there was still a question about payment, and Cowan must have suggested sending a further cheque, but Whistler wrote:

'there is no question between us about the cheque for your portrait - That you shall write out for the 600 gs. as originally agreed upon - and this time, when the picture is in your hands - Nothing would induce me again to receive gold in advance! - from anyone!' 4

Whistler considered the painting unfinished and did not wish Cowan to have it, but did not list it among the works to be destroyed after his death, and it was accordingly delivered to the National Galleries, with Cowan's approval, by Whistler's executrix, Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958).


  • It was not exhibited in Whistler's lifetime.


1: Whistler to Cowan, GUW #00701.

2: GUW #00703.

3: GUW #00726.

4: GUW #00739.

Last updated: 16th October 2020 by Margaret