Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Harmony in Black: Portrait of Miss Ethel Philip


  • 1903: in Whistler's studio at his death in 1903 and bequeathed to his ward and executrix, Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958) ;
  • 1958: bequeathed by her to the University of Glasgow.

On 4 September 1896 Wunderlich & Co. recorded an agreement between E.G. Kennedy and Whistler regarding The Little Rose of Lyme Regis [YMSM 449] The Master Smith of Lyme Regis [YMSM 450] and 'the portrait of Mrs. Whibley either the black one' or Rose et or: La Tulipe [YMSM 418]:

'The agreement is that he bought of you in the first place, the Smith, the little Rose and the portrait of Mrs. [Whibley], either the black one or the pink one, for £1500/-/-. Upon you saying: "You will give £2000/-/- for the four, I suppose," Mr. Kennedy said: "Yes, I will, but you will agree to finish the hands of the pink one, and complete the one in black and mauve to your satisfaction".' 1

However a year later, on 6 November 1897, Kennedy noted that he had bought but not received four portraits of Mrs Whibley. 2


  • It was not exhibited in Whistler's lifetime.


1: GUW #07280.

2: GUW #07291.

Last updated: 22nd October 2020 by Margaret