Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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The Daughter of the Concierge


                    The Daughter of the Concierge, Worcester Art Museum
The Daughter of the Concierge, Worcester Art Museum

The composition has been outlined in crayon on the dark grey primed canvas, the paint brushed on rather dryly, except for the face, which was built up with soft, olive tints. The butterfly was painted with thin, fluid paint.

Conservation History

                    The Daughter of the Concierge, photograph, 1900
The Daughter of the Concierge, photograph, 1900

                    The Daughter of the Concierge, photograph, 1980
The Daughter of the Concierge, photograph, 1980

                    The Daughter of the Concierge, Worcester Art Museum
The Daughter of the Concierge, Worcester Art Museum

Unknown. There are some slight changes apparent between the image as seen in early photographs and now, particularly on and along her shoulder at right and round her neck; it appears to have darkened slightly. Some of these changes may just be the effect of the conditions when it was photographed.


The frame is not original.

Last updated: 25th November 2020 by Margaret