Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Beach Scene


Whistler's original title is not known. Alternative titles have been suggested:

  • 'Beach in Holland' (1972, Fine Art Society). 1
  • 'Beach Scene' (1980, YMSM). 2

'Beach Scene' is the preferred title, since the site has not been identified.


                    Beach Scene, whereabouts unknown
Beach Scene, whereabouts unknown

A bleak windblown beach scene, in horizontal format. More than half the panel is taken up by the ochre/brown sand of the beach and dunes, with a single woman in black walking along towards the viewer, in the centre. In the distance at left are several figures by the shore and further away a pier stretches out to sea at left. Two sailing boats are visible, half hidden by the rising dune, at right, and one small ship beyond the pier at far left. There are pinkish and grey toned clouds on a pale blue sky.


Unknown. The title 'Beach in Holland' was given to the painting in 1972 by the Fine Art Society, but appears to be based on a misconception: the distant masts and sail are on a boat, not a windmill.


1: The Aesthetic Movement and the Art of Japan, Fine Art Society, London, 1972 (cat. no. 68).

2: YMSM 1980 [more] (cat. no. 457).

Last updated: 8th March 2020 by Margaret