Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Rose and Brown: The Philosopher

                Rose and Brown: The Philosopher, private collection
Rose and Brown: The Philosopher, private collection

                Rose and Brown: The Philosopher, photograph, 1980
Rose and Brown: The Philosopher, photograph, 1980

                Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress
Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress

                Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress
Arrangement of paintings at the ISSPG, Library of Congress

Rose and Brown: The Philosopher [YMSM 472] was photographed for inclusion in an article on the ISSPG in 1898, but omitted because Whistler did not like the photograph, as he told William Heinemann (1863-1920): ''The Philosopher' came out very badly - and had better be dropped out altogether.' 1

Last updated: 13th November 2020 by Margaret