Detail from The Canal, Amsterdam, 1889, James McNeill Whistler, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

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Portrait of Richard A. Canfield


  • 1901: commissioned by Richard Albert Canfield (1855-1914) , New York and Providence, RI;
  • 1903: in Whistler's studio at his death and sent by Whistler's executrix, Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958), to Canfield;
  • 1914: bequeathed to his son, Howland D. Canfield (1899-1922) ;
  • 1920: bought from him on 28 January 1920 by Knoedler, New York dealers;
  • 1922: sold by them to Cincinnati Art Museum, 6 February 1922;
  • 1945: sold at auction, Parke-Bernet, New York, 18 October 1945 (lot 30), and possibly bought by 'H. C. Philip'.
  • 1961: sold at auction, Parke-Bernet, New York, 28 April 1961 (lot 65), and bought by Manuel K. Berman (1908-1992) , Brookline;
  • 1992: passed by family descent to a private collection.

In March 1901 Canfield enquired through an intermediary about the possibility of acquiring a painting from Whistler. 1 On 20 July he sent Whistler a cheque for £500 on account for 'two works ... important in size.' 2 In April 1902 Canfield sent a second cheque ‘for certain pictures not completed’, which Whistler returned, saying: 'I must beg you to take care of this pretty paper (a check) yet for the time being! ... this is as much of a link with business as I can stand in the midst of incompleted work.' 3

On 8 May 1903 Whistler acknowledged a cheque from Canfield for £1439.11.0 for 'paintings, drawings & lithographs' and added cryptically, 'About the portrait - it shall be as we have agreed!' 4

After Whistler’s death on 17 July 1903, the portrait was still in his studio in London. His executrix Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958) sent it to the London art dealer, W. Marchant, for delivery to Canfield. 5


It was not exhibited in Whistler's lifetime.


1: Whistler to W. D. Coggeshall, [March 1901], GUW #03062.

2: Canfield to Whistler, 20 July 1901, GUW #00524.

3: Whistler to Canfield, [29] April [1902], GUW #00526.

4: GUW #12683.

5: R. Birnie Philip to C.L. Freer, 30 July 1903, GUL Whistler LB 6/4.

Last updated: 19th October 2020 by Margaret